Sunday, February 26, 2006

Invisible Children of Uganda

Global Youth Fund: "It’s not often you see this kind of production value in documentaries and social issue campaigns.

But video after video, the Invisible Children team (young filmmakers in their 20s from San Diego) breaks new ground in how they engage mass audiences in difficult subjects.Their latest production is a video to launch the Bracelet Campaign, which raises money for children and schools in northern Uganda." (via)

Web Resources

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Happy Birthday Ben!

The Benjamin Franklin Tercentenary: This year marks the 300th anniversary, or tercentenary, of Benjamin Franklin's birth. In honor of the founding father, printer, inventor, and irrepressible raconteur, the U.S. Congress established a commission to educate we publick about Franklin's well-lived life.

This beautifully crafted online exhibit is one result. Follow Franklin from his disobedient Boston beginnings, to his role in shaping the U.S. Constitution and his tenure as an elder statesman.

Along the way, dip into sections that detail what Franklin thought of self-improvement, how he created a colonial media empire, and the ultimate stance he took on slavery. Finally, don't miss the "Et Cetera" page, which includes such tidbits as what the great man predicted for the future and how he nearly became a swimming coach. (via Yahoo! Weekly Picks/ U.S. History)

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Get Involved!

via Global Youth Fund: "Two billion of our planet's citizens are children under the age of 18, representing one-third of the world's population. Strong in numbers, they are nevertheless powerless on the world stage - excluded from having much real influence on global affairs.

To create the ultimate youth empowerment tool, we are launching the Global Youth Fund - the first global fund administered democratically by youth. The fund will be the first of its kind to measure and fulfill the collective wishes of its youth members worldwide."
