Wednesday, April 26, 2006

2006 Conference Dates

Yay! We finally have the dates and location picked for the 2006 Youth Leadership Conference!

So here's the scoop:

What: 2006 San Diego Youth Leadership Conference
When: July 9-13, 2006
Where: University of San Diego


Be sure to head over to the 2006 ylc website for more information! Updates and other news will be posted here on our blog!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Get Involved: Million Voices for Darfur

Student groups all over the country are getting involved and informed about what's going on in Darfur. This weekend there are rallies happening all over the country as part of the million voices for darfur campaign

Here are some ways to get involved and informed:

The U.S. Holocaust Museum has put together several excellent resources, including:
1.) Six Things you can do to help prevent genocide
2.) Call to Action: Students Take Action for Darfur
3.) Voices on Genocide Prevention podcasts.

Kevin Sites in the Hot Zone is an excellent series of in-depth news reports from regions entrenched in armed conflict. Last November, he filed a series of reports (via text, video, and photos) from Darfur.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

YLC+Slide+Flickr Mash-Up

Slide is a nifty little photo scrolling program that allows you to publish image-based content (via RSS or iPhoto 6) directly to a Slide Player.

The great thing about Slide is that it knows how to play nice with other kids in the Web 2.0 sandbox. This means you can use Slide to create your own mash-up with other web-based services like Flickr or YackPack. Or even the "dreaded" MySpace (shhh, it's our secret).

For example, I created a Slide Show using photo's tagged "mowwylc" from Flickr. You can check it out on the community page over on the web site.

Slide even provides you with the HTML snippet so you can embed your Slide Show into your web site or blog. Or you can subscribe to the class Slide feed and view it on your desktop Slide Player.

Pretty slick, eh?

So bring your camera to ylc '06 and share your photos in the YLC Flickr group!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Social Media Safety

MySpace, Flickr, blogging, YackPack and podcasting are really a great way to meet other people, connect and have some fun. But ya gotta be safe!

Here are some tips, articles, and other resources on how to have fun, and be safe with social media!

Social Media Safety Resources